Book 1 Unexpected Magic
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- Book 1 Unexpected Magic
The Magic Of Sparkling Forest
“Magic is fantasy and fantasy is for sissies,” Rian chided. “Don’t be such a party pooper. This trick says you can turn something large into something small. Let’s try it on your head. Ha, ha, just kidding.” “Party pooper—where’d ya hear that one, your mom?” Rian reached into the box and picked up a sheet of paper, yellowed and stained. He chuckled. “Dude, these words are hilarious—read-em out loud and I’ll be your guinea pig.” He stood tall and stiff with a smirk. Rian laid his ball and glove on the table and raked his wavy brown hair. Paul read the magic words for the trick out loud: “Wave your hand front and back of the subject you are making small. Then tap subject on the head several times.” He tapped his friend three times and waved his arm front and back. “This is stupid,” Rian insisted. “Now though you may be real tall, with these words, you will be small. Slimeballs and nooglefards—goofengiggles and barf-flies. Wing-bang-boom. Kootie-la-la-walla. Now you will get smaller,” Paul said, and then he cracked up laughing. POOF!” “Ahtian, sometimes I dream of bo … Holy frog goop! Did you see that?” Freckleteen nearly lost her footing on the branch. Rian now stood rock still—in the palm of Paul’s hand … no bigger than a toy soldier. “Yowza! Holy shirt balls!” Paul flipped his hand up, tossing Rian into the woods. As scouts moved about preparing breakfast, no one heard Paul’s startled yelp as it echoed into the forest ….
Juliana Ashe, Author