Highlights on Sparkling Forest

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Book 1 Unexpected Magic by Juliana Ashe. The key to Carl's magical experiences.

Sparkling Forest
Book 1

The key to Rian’s magical experiences


Unexpected Magic: A troubled boy trapped in a magical forest, discovers something startling beyond the realm of all human imagination. His journey redefines the impossible.


"How can I be this small?” He raked his hair with his fingers and thorns had pricked his skin. He examined the bloody scratches. “Oh—no.” Rian staggered, Blam. He passed out. He quickly came to, with a face full of moss and leaves. He swiped at mosquitoes, pulled a leaf from his forehead and straightened his clothes. “You are dead meat, Paul!"

Book 2 Bird Brains of the Sparkling Forest Series.

Sparkling Forest
Book 2

Even the birds did not see this one coming

Bird Brains: A teenage boy opens his mind to fantastical new forms of life. ‘Winged ones’ go beyond creature comforts and Sparkling timelines converge as a human learns to fly, in more ways than one.


Rian ran to his closet and found his field glasses. He practically jumped onto his bed and looked out the window. “NO WAY! Birds wearing bandanas? That black bird is strumming a cello. I must be bird brains!” Rian flipped over on the bed, then quickly got back up and looked again. “Jeez, that bird has got a cigar, the other one has a pot belly and he’s wearing tails! Ha-ha-ha! Oh, man,” He covered his mouth. “That bird has Italian shoes and there’s one playin’ the bongos.”

Freckletten, the faerie, with small dragon

Sparkling Forest
Book 3

Finnagaroon is no ordinary dragon


Out on a Limb: Rian continues his journey and is offered unprecedented opportunities to connect with advanced life forms. He finds himself out on a limb when his imagination is stretched to the limit.


“I’m Finny; Finnagaroon, actually. But my friends call me Finny. I’m a messenger. I bring information for personal growth.” “Personal?” “Yes. Let me give you a projection of what I did last time Rian was here in the forest. He was here in this forest you know.” “No. I don’t know that. But I love boy stories. OH, WOW! Nice mental picture you’re giving me. You were huge! I kind of vaguely remember a castle and maybe a fire, but I don’t remember a boy.”

Book 4. Back to Future Island. Hands holding the sparkling water of Future Island.

Sparkling Forest
Book 4

The sparkling waters of Future Island


Back to Future Island: Rian discovers a place called Future Island. An opportunity unfolds for the teen age boy and a magical elemental entity to go off planet. Certain factors however, must converge simultaneously. Will they connect with their future selves, 4,000 years ahead of their timeline?


Mesmerized by the clear waters surrounding the island, Arilyn and Rian swam beyond the continental shelves extending from the landscape, quite a distance offshore. Coral reefs elicited the wow factor beaming from their faces as they adapted to breathing under water. Amazed at the variation of life under the sea, Rian wished he could take pictures of it all. Arilyn was amazed she could easily swim under water, not ever having learned to do so...


Juliana Ashe Book 5 Sparkling Forest The Blood Readers

Sparkling Forest
Book 5

Uncountable worlds with glorious potential
The Blood Readers: Arilyn, Rian, Destiny, Mica, Miera and Orion each have paths that intercept throughout their lifetimes. The unknown inhabited realm of the Blood Readers, on the planet Jorda, thousands of years in the future, changes their Queen and the destiny of Sparkling Forest. Uncountable worlds have glorious potential if navigated with respect. And yet, being unaware of the laws of the land could also be dangerous.


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